Toddler Discipline Advice

Need some toddler discipline advice? Stuck for ideas about how to deal with the not-so-nice side of your little treasure?

Below is a list of common discipline moments that could happen to you. Have a read, maybe the question and answer is just what you were looking for.  Remember the solution will be different for all toddlers, so adapt them to suit your circumstances.

Find Your Toddler Discipline Advice Here

Toddler Hits and spits
"I have a 2 year old son who at the age of one was a complete angel! Now he is a terror! He hits, he bites, he pulls hair, he yells, and most recently will...


Attention Seeker
What to do when your 3 year old demands your attention when on the phone or if visitors come? My child constantly demands attention and won't let me talk. This does not let up.


No Clothes, No Diaper

So your toddler undresses and won't wear a diaper, How To Deal With Your Anti-Clothes Toddler Rebel !

Maybe its a won't keep clothes on phase, take heart - read the following for some practical ways to address this behaviour.


No, No, No

My 2 year old son has been showing some behavior which I am very much concerned about. This sudden change in behavior started last week.

He suddenly did not want me to come with him anywhere or touch him or bathe him.


Toddler Developmental Advice
MY 13 MONTH OLD BABY BOY has been a fussy baby from day one. For that reason I've found that having a schedule for him makes our days go smoother and it has but lately he's ....


Toddler Tantrums

My daughter is 2 years 8 months old. She always has tantrums when we go shopping or to the park. The tantrums happen when is time..


Toddler & New Baby Advice
I feel very frustrated with her aggressive behaviour. I have been leaving outings now when she hits kids. I am so lost - I feel like I should just keep her at home and not go anywhere. We were in music class yesterday and she kept her hands to herself during the craft but then when it was free time to play,


Food & Eating Dilemmas

With a toddler throwing food about, may well be attention seeking. This is hardwired into every toddler's brain I'm afraid, and one of the biggest mistakes that parents make is to try to stamp attention seeking out.


Child Behavior

She has sleeping problems as well. She doesn't sleep on her own in her room, she gets up at any time in the night or sometimes too early in the morning and she expects me to take her down in the living room and stay with her. she also demands for milk at any time in the night.


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