Help your children to verbalize their thankfulness by doing this Thanksgiving tree craft.
Draw the basic outline of a tree trunk and branches on a large piece of paper. Let your toddler color the tree trunk in with a brown crayon.
Cut out leaves from differing shades of Fall colors (dark green, brown, yellow and red).
Ask your children to tell you things that they are thankful for. Write these one words down on a separate leaf for each word.
Help your toddler to stick them on the branches of the tree.
If they do not come up with enough things at the time of this activity, then stick the tree up in a visible place and add to it each time they think of something to be thankful for.
Below you will find a random list of things to be thankful for. Use these to help your Toddler pick their favourite one. Use it on the Thanksgiving tree craft, or use it on a daily basis to let your child know they have lots to be grateful for. Especially if they are having a sad day.
Friends, Parents, Weekends, Health, Freedom, Air, Balloons, Colours, Rainbows, Flowers, Mum, Dad, Uncle, Aunt, Brother, Sister, Nan, Gran, Grannie, Grandad, Sweets, Cake, Christmas, Birthday, Easter, Sea Shells, Pets, Learning From Our Mistakes, Teachers, A Bed To Sleep In, Cars, Bus, Train, Laughing, Sunshine, Rain, Clean Water, Time, Love, Books, Kindness, Camp Fires, Holidays, Freedom Of Speech, Trees, Mountains, Puddles, Pebbles, Craft Store, Sight, Hearing, Mobility, Sun Rise, Sun Set, Moon, Stars, Shooting Stars, Children, Learning, Expression, Oceans, Music, Sounds, Food, Hope, Bedtime stories, Pumpkin pie, Sunday afternoons, Big piles of leaves to jump in, Best friends, Fluffy Pillows, Holiday recipes, Ice cream, Halloween, Younger siblings you can protect, Puppies, presents, loved ones, Being happy, Friendships, Your country, Macaroni and cheese, Baby giggles, Getting a Letter, Family vacations, Cousins, Healing, The Smell Of Freshly cut flowers, Vacation days, Fall leaves changing colors, Being Asleep, Your new puppy, Movies you can watch Together, The Weather, Answers, Lilacs in the springtime, Blanket forts, A cake, Albums full of photos, Instant Porridge, A really good hug, A thank you note, The last slice of pie, Stories, childhood, Running, A scenic trail, Fun, honesty, Mums cookbook full of Yummy recipes, A friendly neighbors, Saying Hello, Cuddles, Parties, Presents, Compliments, The smell of freshly baked cupcakes or biscuits, Making new friends, Learning a new song, Jokes, New clothes, Making someone laugh, Doing something new, Someone saying they are proud of you, Other people laughing, Disney films, Popcorn, Baking, Cuddly toys, A Bath, Being Happy, Feelings, Being inspired, Surprises, Having a good day, Waking up and finding out that bad dream wasn't true, Smiling.
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