Seed Sower Parable Craft
Here are two seed crafts and one seed activity that you can do with your toddler and preschoolers after you have read the parable with them.
Set up
1 quick
2 planning required
Clean up
1 quick
2 mess involved
1 12 - 18 months
2 18 - 24 months
3 24 + months
One of my favorite parables of Jesus is about the seed sower. Because I am a gardener and I love to have my children gardening with me, we often see the lessons of the Lord first hand.
Here are two seed crafts and one seed activity that you can do with your toddler and preschoolers after you have read the parable with them.
You will need:
2 pieces of stiff cardboard
Selection of seeds
Sunflower Seeds
Craft glue
Yellow Paint
Choose to do one a day as these are quite finicky projects that toddlers may become frustrated with.
Trace the outline of a sunflower. Make a big circle in the centre. Cover this with circle with craft glue. Allow your toddler to stick sunflower seeds in the circle completely covering the area.
When the glue is dry mix up some yellow paint and let them paint the petals.
Trace a simple face outline using basic shapes for eyes, nose and mouth. Working with your toddler, use a selection of seeds to fill in each shape by glueing one area at a time and filling it with seeds.
What better way to illustrate the seed sower parable craft to your toddlers than by growing something yourselves, watering and weeding the area and watching it grow to maturity? Sunflowers can be sown in early summer or spring. They are quick growing and wonderful for toddlers to watch as the follow the sun through the sky. Details on how to grow sunflowers are here.
Radishes are also quick growing for toddlers. Instructions on growing radishes are here.
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