Use these fun preschool alphabet activities with your child. Teaching your preschooler their alphabet need not be a pencil and paper activity.
Print out a large letter of the alphabet and a picture that it represents i.e. A for apple. Introduce these sounds to your toddler one at a time and stick these up somewhere visible and go through them when you can.
When our children were little we used to teach them the first letter of friends and families names. We also started by first teaching them their own names letters which gave it more relevance.
Sand tray
Fill a cookie sheet with flour, rice or cornmeal. Using your printouts lay out one letter and get your preschooler to copy the shape and say the sound.
Stick a large piece of butchers paper to a wall or on an easel. Draw the large letters of the alphabet in pencil on the paper for your preschooler to trace with a paint brush.
Ketchup bottles
Fill old cleaned squeezy Ketchup bottles with thickish tempura paint. Get them to squeeze out the paint over traced letters. This is tough for some children who have poor fine motor skills
Use side walk chalk on your outdoor paving or chalk board to make large letters of the alphabet.
Jumping sheet
Take an old sheet and use a permanent marker to write out the alphabet in large clear lower case letters. Put the vowel sounds in a different colour (a-e-i-o-u). Lay it flat on the ground and get your child to jump from letter to letter as you call out the sound. This was one our children's favourite preschool alphabet activities.
Stair hop
Ask your preschooler to jump up or down a flight of stairs (if you have one in your home) reciting the alphabet. You can also do this on a small flight where you have placed your alphabet printouts. You can choose selected letters for this activity.
Preschool alphabet activities and games and activities start with the introduction of phonics, which involves teaching the sound of spoken English and blending the sounds together to produce words.
Learning the letter shapes and the sounds they make in words helps children to become more confident about pronunciation and reading.
If your child goes to Nursery, find out what phonic and preschool alphabet books they use so that your child has some continuity.
There are many phonic books available to help your child learn letters, their sounds and names, but there are some things to look out for...
Make sure that you get books that are bright, enjoyable and fun, this makes learning to read a
pleasure not a chore.
Also, use books that are tough and durable whilst still being attractive, as your child will want to come back to them again and again.
Most preschool alphabet books will have tips and guidance notes written by education experts. Read these as you don't want to confuse your early reader by contradicting what your child is learning at nursery or at school.
There are many different forms of preschool alphabet books from picture books, story books and activity books to CDs and even software, so there is always some way for you to engage even the most reluctant reader in a fun and entertaining way.
I really enjoy the preschool alphabet series LetterLand. These books have friendly letter characters that provide visual memory clues for your child, so they will learn and retain letter shape and the corresponding sounds quickly and easily.
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Teaching Children to Read - A great resource of free phonics worksheets, videos, and activities for teaching children reading.
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