Kindergarten Reading Activities:

Successfully Teaching Reading
to Your 5 or 6 Year Old 

How can engaging in kindergarten reading activities help your child excel? Parents who supplement their child’s schooling see significant improvement in their children learning to read. 

Struggling readers...

How to teach spelling...

Teaching sight words...

Teaching reading...

If you delegate all the teaching reading activities to the schools you are really playing the lottery; your child may or may not be a winner. Why leave your child’s education to chance?

There are so many factors that play into how well your early learners do in school:

  • Teacher’s ability to communicate and engage your child
  • Student / Teacher ratio – are there too many students for each teacher
  • Poor curriculum
  • Different learning styles
  • Learning resistance or disabilities
  • Child is bored and not being stimulated

This is a great time to help your kids turn into successful readers by helping them learn how to decode our language so they understand the relationship between each letter and the sound it makes.

Kids enter kindergarten with a wide range of reading skills. For some it's the first time they’re exposed to reading and others having been exposed since birth.

No matter what skill level your kids have, the best thing for enhancing their learning experience is having a good attitude about reading. They should be excited and eager to read. As parents, this is really where you are an essential part of the teaching reading process.

In addition to instilling a love of reading, what else can you do as a parent to make sure learning how to read is effortless and enjoyable for your children? 

15 Kindergarten Reading Activities and Skills
Necessary for Success:

  1. Decoding ability. Kids have to be able to tell the letter shapes apart. They need to match letters with their associated sound and then they need to remember them. They need the ability to hear the difference between the individual sounds and remember which sound goes with which letter.

  2. Phonics.. They need to understand all the different sound pictures and the different phonics rules such as which 2 letters stand for 1 sound. They need to be able to blend 3 or more sounds into a word. They should be able to say the sound of the letter as they are writing it.

  3. Spelling. They should be able to spell words that they hear orally that contain the sounds they’ve been taught.

  4. Sight words. In Kindergarten, kids should be able to recognize common sight words such as the, an, of, was, all, and my, and are.

  5. Writing. Kids need to be able to write the 26 letters of the alphabet from memory. They should be able to write their name as well. They can write some familiar words even if it’s with invented spelling.

  6. Reading speed. Kids need the ability to read at a fast enough speed in order for them to be able to understand what they’re reading.

  7. Reading comprehension. Words have to mean something or they have no purpose.

  8. Connection. They start connecting what’s being read to every day life circumstances.

  9. Listening. Kindergarteners gain the skills to listen attentively.

  10. Retention. They can answer questions about the stories they’ve read.

  11. Predicting. One of the best kindergarten reading activities is to encourage your child to make predictions about what’s next in a story.

  12. Letter substitution. They can substitute a letter in a word to make another word. For instance, they can turn fun into fan.

  13. Name recognition. Now they can write own name and family member or friend names as well.

  14. ABCs. They can write letters of the alphabet from verbal instruction.

  15. Vocabulary. New words are incorporated into their speech and writing.

All kids learn at their own pace, but how do you know if your children are struggling with these kindergarten reading activities? What signs should you be looking for to determine if your child needs additional reading help?

  • Has trouble with the concept of rhyming
  • Has trouble naming letters
  • Cannot recognize very simple common sight words
  • Has trouble following simple directions
  • Appears to have problem with either vision or hearing  

Important Kindergarten Reading Activities Links

Our Favorite Kindergarten Books

Understanding Learning Styles of your Kindergartener

List of Kindergarten Sight Words

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