Toddlers' hands are small enough to fit inside a toilet roll, which makes these household items perfect for cheap yet versatile homemade puppets.
I made all of the puppets shown using inexpensive finger paint or basic water soluble paint that comes in plastic palette boxes, and items from a craft kit.
These are the easiest puppets to make. Simply paint the toilet roll, then stick pictures of your toddler's favourite characters onto each roll - you could get the child involved in the glueing.
Cut pictures from magazines or print them off from The Internet. I found it useful to copy and paste into word, and resize with the toilet roll beside the computer, to ensure the size was right.
Toddlers will enjoy pretending to be Bob The Builder or Barney
the dinosaur. Join in the role play, and you have a game that encourages
both social skills (turn-taking) and
language development.
Imaginative Puppets
Let your toddler's imagination run wild and create some wierd and wonderful homemade puppets like the ones shown here. All the materials come from a basic child's craft kit that cost £5 ($10). |
For this green puppet, I used glitter glue for the face and the foam hands are held in place by 2 slits cut downwards from the top of the roll.
The bald head on this old man was made by blowing up a balloon inside the toilet roll so it fit snugly inside - there was no need to glue it on.
Be aware that after a couple of days the balloon will deflate, and that any toilet roll puppet has a limited shelf life. They are not super durable BUT they do allow you to get your toddler involved in making them.
Use a thick sock for a longer-lasting puppet, and one that can easily take buttons (for eyes) being sewn on. Add a felt tongue for an optional extra.
But great when holding a book, as the little finger family can pop their heads over the book.
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