Either you have fussy eaters, or you know a mom who does. This is one area of parenting a toddler that can bring a grown woman to her knees. Here are some tips for dealing with a toddler who fusses at meal times.
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If you have fussy eaters there are two primary things to deal with: your attitude and your toddlers. A parent who insist in getting into a food battle by making a toddler finish everything on their plate, or eating foods that you know they gag on, will be setting themselves up for a fall. Firstly, then, assess your own mindset when it comes to your toddler and food. |
There is also no need to prepare elaborate "toddler type" meals when the food that you eat are full of fresh fruit and vegetables and wholefoods.
Generally moms who slave over food presentation for toddlers end up frustrated when their toddler turns their nose up to the plate of food presented to them. Stay with simple healthy recipes for your child.
When you have the right mindset, you can then address your fussy eater with patience and understanding.
If your child is a happy eater and all of a sudden turns fussy, then you can be sure something is up! Either their food needs are slowing for a period, or they are brewing an illness. Never make a fuss over them not eating or try to force feed your child, this will truly have the opposite effect to the one you desire - a healthy happy toddler.
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