This page gives some ideas for toddler behaviour rewards that are easy to put in place - what's more, most are completely free.
These are straight forward, but the trick is to be ready.
So have a read and remember at least one of them to use in the future.
So what are the best toddler incentives for good behaviour ?
It's sometimes easy to forget how important adult attention is to a toddler. Praise and positive attention are the most effective rewards to give a young child.
Make sure your praise is specific so she understands exactly what she's done right.
Of course, positive attention should not just be a reward. However, there are ways to turn this attention into an extra special reward for good behaviour:
These toddler behaviour rewards will make your little one feel special and grown up, a huge motivator in itself:
These behaviour rewards are most effective when used to encourage a specific behaviour or introduce a change in routine, such as stopping bedtime milk.
This is because stickers and reward charts will lose their novelty after a while if over-used.
I used stickers while potty training my son. He had no interest in a reward chart and preferred to cover his toys with the stickers!
Young children love to help us with seemingly the dullest tasks because it makes them feel grown up to imitate us.
Try any of these, depending on how big the reward is:
Make a big deal of what a big boy/big girl your child is and how well they do the task.
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