THE HOME EXPERIENCE Have An Egg-Ceptional Easter!
Toddler Activities E-zine bringing you, toddler parenting tips, encouragement for moms of little ones as well as character building themes and activities.
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The beautiful celebration of Easter will soon be with us
Kids love it because it ticks so many of their boxes. The non Christian one involves an Easter Bunny character, chocolate, hiding things, my Mum use to make me a new dress for Easter. Many now receive an outfit. It is a joyous Family occasion.
It's not too late to be prepared.
For a Christian approach to Easter just pop over to
Christian Easter Crafts For Kids with plenty of ideas like using the "Jelly Bean Song"and so much fun.
Or CLICK HERE for the Easter Mega Bundle, to help keep your young children entertained for ages.

Need Some Helpful Shopping With Kids Tips?
With the shops all full of Chocolate Easter Eggs, I remembered the follow article. About taking your young Children shopping. Read on ...Or... CLICK HERE for 8 Very Useful tips to keep you sane whilst doing the weekly shop.
Recently I have seen a couple of mums struggling through their weekly or monthly shopping excursion with energetic or miserable toddlers. I remember the feeling when little one has a melt down in the shopping center and you feel like everyone is watching you thinking that you are such a terrible mother.
Secretly I think they are thinking: "Hmm, I remember those days" or "That's why I left my toddler at home with my Mum!"
Either way, over the years and with 4 toddlers (who eventually grew to be children who were perfect angels in shops) I picked up a few tips that I would like to hand onto the readers of this website.
Shopping With Toddlers Tips CLICK HERE

If you have something to offer others, a hobby, skill, whether it be typing services, translating books into other languages or a skill like making knitting patterns or how to can surplus foods, you can create a website or blog and share your passions and earn a tidy little income on the side.
As you work in your home, you can sing with your young ones, build their vocabulary, develop their physical strength and grow their characters. Throw in a few crafts a week, some chunks of time spent reading and building motor skills, then by the end of the day you will both have had days where you have learnt a whole lot of skills.
Never underestimate your home and everything that it has to offer your family – not just in the toddler years, but also all the way through until you wave them off into their own homes one day.
"Thank God, O women, for the quietude of your home, and that you are queen in it. Men come at eventide to the home; but all day long you are there, beautifying it, sanctifying it, adorning it, blessing it. Better be there than wear a queen's coronet. Better be there than carry the purse of a princess. It may be a very humble home. There may be no carpet on the floor. There may be no pictures on the wall. There may be no silks in the wardrobe; but, by your faith in God, and your cheerful demeanor, you may garniture that place with more
splendor than the upholsterer's hand ever kindled." ---Reverend T. DeWitt Talmage, D.D
Further Reading
I hope you are encouraged to simply enjoy life at home with your toddlers,
Until next time
Kay Your Help With Toddlers